For the greatest happiness of all passionate, here it is with us. The original TRANSVAL speedometer for mopeds MBK 51, 51 S and other models with Leleu stick rims. Round shape as shown, the speed increase is indicated via a white needle visible (up to 120 km / h) on a white writing. It also has an odometer that can total up to 9 999 km.Integrated lighting system to connect to standard 12V, bulb not included.

This meter will delight many fans of original parts becoming more and more rare. Comes with the transmission cable and its trainer ready to be installed. Featuring a thick black plastic surround playing the role of a "cap". A high quality piece, Made in France, special for Leleu stick rims, also available for GRIMECA rims, available from us.

Pack containing:
- Round speedometer
-Cable / transmission speed
-Trainer / speed reducer with foam / washer
-Notice of assembly / use