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carburettor SHA 13/13 game accessories and engine casings MALOSSI on PIAGGIO Ciao

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Here is a complete accessory kits for carburettor DELLORTO SHA 13/13 on PIAGGIO CIAO. This little specific pack consists of an aluminum valve covers, 2 screw covers bushel, a bent tube for passage of the throttle cable, and 2 nuts mending pipe and tube trimmer.

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Reference: 27 5610.K0


Set of 4 MALOSSI KARBONIT 0.30 & 0.35mm slats for VL7 and VL8 Peugeot 103, Piaggio Ciao and MBK 51 valves

The best to have the quality KARBONIT MALOSSI fiberglass at the correct price, and especially to choose the appropriate thickness for the maximum performance of its engine, is mounted on PIAGGIO CIAO with MALOSSI and PEUGEOT 103 or MBK 51 casings with complete valve box MALOSSI.

Price €8.50 Regular price €14.16
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Shipping in 1-3 days