Reference: 061332403
Bi-piston segment AIRSAL Sport Luxe Ø40,3mm for kits 50cc on minarelli am6
A good quality piston comes complete for refurbishment of your cylinder.
Ideal in case of breakage or cloaking your head, here is the replacement head for bi-luxury segment AIRSAL kit 50cc cast iron diameter 40mm. Has a smooth hemispherical high compression chamber, it is very good. Warning, do not place a single segment kit, the chamber angle is made for calotage a two-segment.
Reference: 061332403
A good quality piston comes complete for refurbishment of your cylinder.
Reference: H111381403 - 111332403 - 111313403
Segment upscale steels and already pre-rehearsed. A change every 5000 kms.
Reference: 141381403
A good quality pack to change with each engine winding for a perfect seal.
Reference: 490484
Replacement high cylinder head for DOPPLER VORTEC 50cc high engine kit with good polished finish. Ideal to refurbish your high engine.
Reference: 038701
Ideal for fitting a high compression cylinder head on your original cylinder or 50cc kit.
Reference: JUN-716
Essential for the refurbishment of your engine sealing.
Reference: H041381403
A single high compression cylinder head for kit 50cc Ø40mm AIRSAL Luxury pig. Ideal in case of breakage, crack or heater that just do the bolt will no longer be flat so a premature wear of the joints.
Reference: CUL-991
The ideal replacement cylinder head in case of crack, veiling ...
Reference: S410130308002
Spare bolt from ATHENA. Ideal in case of wear of your cylinder head for kit 50cc Ø40mm ATHENA on mécaboite Minarelli AM6 engine.
Reference: 9924190
The complete cylinder head Ø40,3mm TPR for minarelli am6.
Reference: CUL-716
High compression replacement cylinder head for kit 50cc cast Ø40,3mm BARIKIT on mécaboite minarelli am6.
Reference: 041313403
A single high compression cylinder head for kit 50cc AIRSAL Ø40.3mm. Ideal in case of breakage, crack or heater that just do the bolt will no longer be flat so a premature wear of the joints.
Reference: 278453
A high compression yoke with a good polished finish. Ideal to refurbish your high engine.
Reference: FU.029.0615/GT
Stud bolt (decomposable two parts) complete replacement with single piston end segment, special for the high engine FURYTECH RS10 GT minarelli am6 50cc.
Reference: 11220042
Ideal in case of breakage or veiling for a perfect refurbishment.
Reference: CUL-922
High compression replacement cylinder head for kit 50cc aluminum Ø40,3mm BARIKIT Racing on mécaboite minarelli am6.
Reference: 211.0605
Replacement cylinder head for 50cc kit Ø40.2 POLINI EVOLUTION on AM6
Reference: 9916800
Cylinder head of replacement Ø40,3mm TOP PERFORMANCES for kit 50cc.