Reference: 458484
Universal 3-wire CGN relay / flasher unit
Ideal to allow good intermittence of your indicators!
The replacement of a 21 Watt bulb flashing light by a 1.2Watt LED flashing light. Requires a resistor with high power dissipation (heat). It is provided by an anodized aluminum radiator and a ceramic body. Important: Place the resistance in a ventilated environment and away from humidity. Do not fix the resistance on an element that cannot withstand heat.
Reference: 458484
Ideal to allow good intermittence of your indicators!
Reference: 511989
Indispensable for connecting LED indicators!
Reference: 511551
A BALCKWAY flasher unit at a low price.
Reference: 458483
Flashing a central fact for the led. It is good and offers a good intermittent your turn signals.
Reference: 126969
Essential for connecting your headlight!
Reference: 506863
Indispensable for connecting LED indicators!
Reference: 511992
Indispensable for connecting LED indicators!
Reference: 477500
Ideal for normal LED flashing operation.
Reference: 468228
Indispensable for connecting LED indicators!
Reference: 206375
Mandatory piece for the smooth operation and intermittency of your LED flashers!
Reference: 506646
Extension provided for your superb BLACKWAY indicators!
Reference: 511985
Connectors sold in pairs!
Reference: 480370
Ideal for the proper functioning of your LED turn signals!
Reference: 506864
Indispensable for connecting LED indicators!
Reference: 499786
Connectors sold in pairs!
Reference: 503207
Mandatory part for the proper functioning and intermittence of your LED indicators!