This 325ml bottle of PUTOLINE Fuel Stabilizer is an additive for 2 and 4 stroke unleaded gasoline engine specially designed and developed for the protection & preservation of the complete injection system, fuel hose network, tank .... The quality of the fuel is affected if you do not use your two-wheeler for a long time, this Fuel Stabilizer additive therefore offers protection against oxidation, and the formation of deposits in your tank, fuel filter ... in the event of prolonged non-use of your engine.

This product also allows easier starting of your engine after a long period without starting, keeps your fuel system, fuel hoses ... in good condition and prevents the appearance of rust. Have
-For 2 and 4 stroke engine
-With or without catalyzed exhaust system
-Highly recommended if your 2-wheel motorcycle, scooter, mob ... is not used for a long time.
-Add the bottle to your gas tank before a long period of non-use & start-up.
- Mix the product well in your gasoline by shaking a mixing container or your tank beforehand.
A 325ml bottle is more than enough for 50 Liters of gasoline.