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Carburettor DELLORTO PHBG 21 BS 2 flexible, without separate greasing, choke lever
  • Carburettor DELLORTO PHBG 21 BS 2 flexible, without separate greasing, choke lever

Carburettor DELLORTO PHBG 21 BS 2 flexible, without separate greasing, lever choke


The BS 2 version of DELLORTO PHBG Genuine high quality dellorto in Ø21mm.

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The best of all PHBG in Ø21mm, the 21 BS 2 is a good dell'orto carburettor, often delivered with the 21 malossi, polini or will put kit because very powerful pack for a reduced price. In male type it allows you to fit it into a flexible pipe without a sleeve and therefore to have a short carburation which promotes acceleration and recovery.

Photo du carbu DELLORTO PHBG 21 BS 2 souple, sans graissage séparé, starter à levier

You can also enter it with a carburetor connecting sleeve. These adjustment and repair parts are easily found at low cost. We also sell for the most passionate and preparers among you the black edition version which is revised and corrected. The low consumption, the little noise it causes, the power and recovery it offers have made the reputation of the Italian DELL'ORTO carburettors. This model has all the options because it is the BS 2.

Photo du carburateur DELLORTO PHBG 21 BS 2 souple, sans graissage séparé, starter à levier


Type: male (flexible)

bushel: round needle

Pipe fixing diameter: 25mm

Air filter fixing diameter: threaded in d.32mm (possibility of placing a dellorto tulip)

Starter: cable (possibility to switch it to a lever)

Separate lubrication: no

taken for depression: no

needle: type W16

needle well: AU262

primary jet: small step 96 (banal dellorto)

idle jet: 48

choke jet: 60

tip :

-polish the carburetor inlet mirror (before the air filter)

Photo de la vue éclatée du carburateur dellortto phbg

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