Here is the kit carburetor group 2 MALOSSI, a real carburetors kit redesigned and retouched by the preparers MALOSSI, attention this piece is rare, if it is not in stock expect when ordering a long time. This carburetor kit contains a retouched intake pipe to be laid in a flexible assembly, so it has been turned and anti-slip lips are created.

This pipe is a wing version, more for the aesthetic side than cooling of course. The carburetor is the most affected part of the pack, it is a model DELLORTO PHBG 19 bs. Firstly this flexible carburettor is turned at the level of the fixation in order to obtain the appropriate size in Ø23mm with anti-stall lips, the fixation for air filter is totally suppressed so you will have to roll without air filter ...

Very good quality, you will receive exactly what is in our photo. This carburettor is also pre-set, the initial 85 nozzle is replaced at the factory by a 100, the starter jet has gone from 60 to 55, the idle jet from 50 to 55.

In addition MALOSSI factory replaces the choke normally lever on the 19bs by a choke cable. The idle screw received gold treatment, the starter support too! The bushel remains a 30 ° section, the needle normally W7 is passed W6. The needle well initially in AU is also passed in AN 262. In short this carburettor is a real malossi LABEL carburetor retouched from top to bottom.

With this, MALOSSI delivers KARBONIT monoblade valves (black glass) in 0.35mm, throttle and choke cables, pipe and valve seals, cable clamp, clamps and finally the special flexible sleeve. Attention, in case of breakage, this pipe and carburetor are not separate from the complete kit! This carburetor pack will therefore be suitable for very powerful engines and it was expressly designed for G2 racing machines that were running on track at the time with the famous high G2 engine (liquid diagrams exceeding 192/130.

The pack contains :
Intake pipe
Carburettor 19 phbg BS label MALOSSI
Soft sleeve
Cable clamp
Accelerator cable
Choke cable
Screws / necklaces
Seal set for pipe and valves

Spare parts :
Carburetor / does not exist in separate !!!
Pipe label MALOSSI / does not exist separately !!!
Cable clamp