Piece unapproved! Only reserved for the competition, with closed circuits and tracks.
Here is the AIRSAL 70cc kit Ø46mm diameter, this model is designed for motor scooters HONDA Vision, Peugeot Rapido, St ... Mounted air cooling. A powerful set for increased your engine ...

It was intended for the performance, torque and above all preserve maximum strength with a simple installation on your scooter! It is a high motor that does not need to scream to demonstrate its power, very torquey, you will remain in discrete schemes! The cylinder is an aluminum 5 transfers, high quality nikasil treatment, standardized oval exhaust ...

Cooling was very well thought out! The admission has also been improved somewhat. The piston is a two-segment model (including a bulging hard chrome for the top of the piston), that piston has a rear machining for a slight improvement in the filling / scan and importantly, its cap is specially designed to be mounted with the head of 'origin.

The kit comes with a controller plays and rollers to improve the variation and better exploit the torque of this large kit! Delivered without cylinder head, in short, this kit is very solid, it offers a great couple but also good power. Nothing to do with 50cc ... It has more of a quality / price unbeatable! ! Description fuller upcoming We advise to accompany this kit with minimum: carburetion 17.5mm (in PHBG), exhaust racing, cold candle as a BR9HS.
This pack contains:
Aluminum master cylinder Ø46mm nykasil
-piston Bi-segments
-Segment Chrome + standard segment
-Clips Piston
-Stud Fixing exhaust
-pack High engine gasket
Optional we offer a preparation course 1, this preparation is a modification of the channels and the exhaust port by increasing the charts and improvement of the duct, it increases the cylinder performance. Improved piston and bottom skirt is also included in the amendment. Allow a little extra time for this preparation!
Mounts on motor scooter 50cc Honda and Peugeot 2 following times:
PEUGEOT Rapido 50cc
And other models