Out of production here for information.
Box valves MALOSSI complete, this model is more than 19mm, it will agree to accompany it with a carburetor 19 or 21mm rigid type PHBG 24mm mounting diameter. This box has been extensively studied, it is identical to the box Peugeot 103, only a mounting plate is delivered in addition to the set.
This box will allow you to delete your original valves to switch to a larger intake valves and 4, the box used is a VL7 you will find no problems adjusting blades and parts.
This box also allows you to not lengthen admission (distance carburetor / housings) in a report of bent pipe origin as we see in the pictures. The carburetor therefore leaves on the side of the machine.
You can without any problems removing stops slats and also make a preparation housings, alignment.

The pack contains:
-platin Fixing
-pack seals
-Pipe D.19mm of admission
-box Elongation
-Clapets VL7