ATHENA valves are an excellent basis for engine preparation, they appear relatively low-end but are really an excellent product, the frame is aluminum covered with viton rubber (vulcanized) so that the blades do not take wear and close well the parting line. The slats are made of high quality KARBONIT fiber 0.35mm thick.
The slat stops are made of a drilled alloy in order to obtain less weight, avoid gas clusters and make it more easily adjustable. The fixings are made by screws so for a blade change during adjustments or maintenance, it is extremely practical. The entry diagonal dimension is 22mm and width / length 16mm.
The interior of the frame is excellent, micro-beaded and made of a very hard alloy, so no throttle rebound unlike polished ABS frames. In addition, it is extremely worked and sharp so that there is a good passage and diffusion of gases.