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Here is the CGN crankshaft reinforced with full masses specially designed for MBK MAGNUM engine and other machines which require a left-hand thread (epolque breaker ignition, kick start machine, reverse engine with relay box ...). This model is cut in good case-hardened steels, has a polished finish connecting rod. Standard LEFT ignition side thread.

In full masses, this vilo will offer you a good pre-compression for more performance. Thanks to its weight, it will offer you more than excellent inertia and a perceived performance gain! It also received a balancing to allow more high revs.
It will go very well with your medium and high power kits. Comes with its needle cage. Clearly, an element combining quality / performance and price! To accompany with good reinforced bearings of original size.
Features :
-Masses: full
-Ø 70mm masses
-Race: origin
-Soies: in Ø16mm
- Needle cage: Ø13X16X14mm
-Reinforced: yes
- left-hand ignition side thread
Mounts on MBK 51 / av10 / av7 motobecane