What is more annoying during a motor assembly (cooling, carburizing ...) than the collars that breaks! You loose in the hands ... Is too small, too big and bends ... This necklaces that forces you to go to the store (if it's open) go get your necklaces that will cost you an arm! We have the solutions! This box contains no less than 110 necklaces for the modest sum of 29.99 euros! That is an average of 0.29 euros necklaces (if we count that the box is a gift). These necklaces are of excellent quality (we have tested them but also measured before the sale). You can tighten them with a Phillips, flat or hexagonal screwdriver. These collars are treated, they are solid and do not rust.

Sizes in the box :
Small: from Ø18,5mm to Ø8,5mm
Medium: from Ø21,5mm to Ø12,5mm
Large: from Ø28mm to Ø18mm
Very large: from Ø35mm to Ø21mm