High quality DELLORTO PHF carburettor with recovery pump, model 36mm DD (it has the adjustment screw on the left for difference with the DS), used on 125cc engines equipped with large kits and cylinder head preparation or on 150cc / 200cc / 250cc / 300cc ... 4T.

This model has a cable stater, it is a flexible assembly. A very good carburetor! One of the best on 4T!
36mm diameter
Flexible mounting
Ø 44mm intake pipe side
Ø48X1,25mm threaded side air filter (plastic tulip horn supplied with)
With accelerator pump

Bushel 603
Jet 130
Pump nozzle 33
Secondary nozzle 50
Choke jet 70
Needle K 18
Needle well AR 268
Poiteau CPL 300